I have just completed a very pleasant 4 day walk in Bohemia in the north of Czech Republic.
Starting in Mala Skala and finishing in Jicin via Turnov there is good quality walking forest of dense beech, various oak, various pine, birch and various maples and much else. A few nice wildflowers.

The food tended to be ordinary heavy eastern european but this sausage was a highlight served with splayed ends and a good dollop of both mustard and horseradish with a chili that positively pulsated heat - the horseradish was no slouch either. Might this be the source of the fiery Slav temperament?

The ruin of Trosky Castle, being twin towers, dominates much of the walk and the countryside all around. Built on protruding basalt columns from which the surrounding limestone has weathered away they have, as you can imagine, a long and varied history.

The walk goes through a limestone labyrinth/formation known as Prachovske Skaly, which is quite spectacular.

Apart from these highlights there was just plenty of good easy forest walking.
Notable are woodpeckers sounding like someone knocking on the door. They are easily seen though high up. There is blackberry in the forest which looks like being ripe in a few days or a week but all bitter at the moment. And not edible either are the apples, pears and plums that grow everywhere on the roadsides but all gotten at by fruit fly or other nasties.
Finishing up in Jicin for a late lunch I couldn't not have a cider with a name and ad like this.

Goodness knows what the ad agency was thinking. Imagine the horror at Holden's nomenclature committee?! It was pretty bad cider.